Whether you want to go on a trip of a lifetime, renovate your home, help your family, or simply boost your income, Equity Release can help you find the funds to fulfil your goals and enjoy your retirement. What is more, it’s all possible without taking on the burden of additional monthly repayments. 

Key benefits of our Equity Release Plans: 

  • Tax free lump sum to spend how you wish  
  • Stay in your home for life or move at any time 
  • No mandatory repayments required – not even the interest 
  • Interest rate fixed for life 
  • Can be taken as a lump sum or in instalments over time 
  • Only repayable in the event of death or if moving to long term care** 
  • Can be repaid in the event of you having the funds to do so, just like any other mortgage (early redemption penalties may apply). 
  • No negative equity guarantee – the family/estate is not left with any debt to pay 
  • Remaining equity can be passed to children or other beneficiaries on your death 

How Equity Release works  

Your equity is the total market value of your home, minus any mortgage you haven’t yet paid off. Equity Release allows you to access a proportion of this equity. 

Lifetime Mortgage 

The type of equity release we offer is a Lifetime Mortgage. It’s a long-term loan on the value of your home, without the need to make monthly repayments.  

Interest is added each year, both to the initial loan amount and any interest previously added, which you can choose to pay off. However the loan and interest are usually repaid from the sale of your home, when you (last person, for joint lifetime mortgages) die or need to go into long-term care. 

The lender would only receive the debt that is owed and any remaining equity would go to your estate or family. In the event that you owe more than your property is worth, a no negative equity guarantee benefit means that your family or estate is not left with any debt to repay.  

Equity release plans that are regulated by the FCA and are a safe way to access some of the equity tied up in your property.  

As a member of the Equity Release Council, we are proud to only offer plans which subscribe to the Equity Release Council standards, which promote best practices for all customers who take out equity release and guarantee the benefits above. 

Basic lending criteria 

  • Minimum age of applicant/s - 55 years old 
  • Age of applicant/s (youngest person’s age) and health and value of property determines borrowing amount available 


Equity Release Council

Financial Planning by TaxAssist Equity Release Advisors are members of the Equity Release Council as Financial Planning by TaxAssist are committed to upholding the highest standards by ensuring equity release is the right choice for you and your circumstances and needs. The Equity Release Council was established with the purpose of educating individuals about equity release and ensuring the protection of your rights through a comprehensive set of standards and principles. These standards and principles are applicable to both the equity release products themselves and the assistance provided to customers. The council drives transparency and clarity in the industry and protecting the customer is at the heart of their mission.


Find out more 

A lifetime mortgage will reduce the value of your estate, will not be suitable for everyone and may affect your entitlement to state benefits. Speak to Our team of expert and friendly planners to find out if this is the right option for you.

We offer a free, no obligation consultation and are available to discuss your initial enquiry by calling 0330 441 2244, completing our enquiry form or email [email protected] 


*Please note this form of lending is most suitable for those over 65, however, it’s possible to do this if you are over 55. It is important to understand that this is a lifetime mortgage and to understand their features and risks, you will need to have a personalised illustration. 
**Only repayable in the event of death or if moving to long-term care is based on the last person on the policy in terms of policies held jointly.