Two members of our mortgage and protection team, Simon Restieaux and Hatty Lawrence are now signed up as members of the Equity Release Council who are the industry body for the UK equity release sector; representing the providers, qualified financial advisers, solicitors, intermediaries.

You can meet the full team here to see our friendly advisers. 

Who Are The Equity Release Council?

The Equity Release Council represents the equity release sector and exists to promote high standards of conduct and practice in the provision of, and advice on, equity release which have consumer safeguards at its heart.

These standards and safeguards have allowed the sector to grow, giving financial advisers and their customers confidence in the products, dispelling myths about equity release, and educating the public about the potential to access the wealth in their home for a variety of uses.

The reputation and standing of the brand and the trust developed has seen its membership grow, bringing the sector together and helping it strengthen its voice: providers of equity release plans, solicitors, intermediaries, financial advisers, consultants, surveyors and other industry professionals – all committed to the Principles of membership.

The Council builds on this unified voice of its members, while remaining independent from the specific views of individual member firms or particular segments of the equity release market.

What is Equity Release? 

Equity Release allows you to unlock some money from the value from your home to spend how you wish, whilst you continue to fully own and live in the property. The good news is, that this is all possible without taking on the burden of additional monthly repayments. 

For more information on equity release please read our top 10 equity release questions answered article.