1. Do you have a financial planner?

Having a trusted financial planner can provide invaluable guidance and expertise to help you navigate the complexities of personal finance. Do you have a financial planner but haven’t spoken for a while and your circumstances have changed then it will be worth reaching out to them.

2. Are you satisfied with the performance of your pensions or investments?

Regularly monitoring the performance of your pensions and investments can help you identify opportunities for improvement and make adjustments as needed to achieve your financial objectives.

3. Are your pension or investment risk levels appropriate?

Assessing your risk tolerance and adjusting your pension and investment portfolios accordingly can help you achieve a balance between risk and return that aligns with your financial goals.

4. Is your pension on target to retire when you want?

Reviewing your pension plans regularly can help ensure they are on track to meet your retirement goals and desired timeline.

5. Have you had a recent projection of pension benefits?

Obtaining a recent projection of your pension benefits can provide valuable insights into your retirement income and help you make informed decisions about ongoing contributions and your financial future.

6. Have you used your maximum pension contribution allowance?

Making the most of your pension contribution allowance can help you save for retirement tax-efficiently and build a robust retirement fund for the future.

7. Do you have more in your bank or building society than required for short-term needs?

Maintaining an adequate level of liquid assets can provide financial flexibility and security for unexpected expenses or investment opportunities but leaving cash in a low-interest bank account will impact its ongoing value due to inflation.

8. Are you getting the best returns on your savings?

Regularly reviewing your savings accounts and investment strategies can help ensure you are maximising returns and optimising your financial growth.

9. Have you used your full ISA allowance this year?

Utilising your full ISA (Individual Savings Account) allowance can help you save tax-efficiently and grow your wealth over time.

10. Will you be able to afford school or college fees?

Planning for education expenses, including school or college fees, can help ensure your children have access to quality education without compromising your financial security.

11. Do you have sufficient available cash to see you through illness?

Building an emergency fund with enough cash reserves to cover unexpected expenses, including being unable to work due to an accident or illness, is essential for financial stability.

12. Is your income protected in the event of long-term disability?

Having disability insurance coverage can help replace lost income in the event of a long-term disability, ensuring your financial obligations are met.

13. Have you protected your family’s income in the event of your death?

Life insurance can provide financial support to your family in the event of your death, helping them maintain their standard of living and financial security.

14. Have you made financial provision for childcare in the event of death or serious illness spouse or partner?

Planning for childcare expenses in the event of a loss of income due to death or serious illness can help ensure your children are taken care of financially.

15. Have you recently reviewed your life cover needs?

Regularly reviewing your life insurance coverage ensures it aligns with your current financial situation and family needs.

16. Do you need to review funding in place to cover Long Term Care?

Reviewing your long-term care funding options can help ensure you have adequate provisions in place to cover potential care needs in later life.

17. Do you have adequate private healthcare?

Private healthcare coverage can provide timely access to medical care and specialist treatments, offering peace of mind for you and your family.

18. Are there sufficient funds in place to purchase a share of your business from a deceased or critically ill partner?

Having a buy-sell agreement funded by life insurance can ensure business continuity and financial security in the unfortunate event of a partner's death or critical illness.

19. To what extent is your estate liable to Inheritance Tax?

Understanding your potential inheritance tax liability can help you implement tax-efficient estate planning strategies to minimise taxes and maximise the wealth passed on to your family.

20. Are you expecting to receive an inheritance?

Planning for an inheritance can help you make informed financial decisions and ensure the inheritance is managed wisely.

21. Are you the beneficiary of a Trust?

Understanding your rights and responsibilities as a beneficiary of a trust can help you maximize the benefits of the trust assets and align them with your long-term financial goals.

22. Are you sure you have got the best mortgage?

Regularly reviewing your mortgage terms and rates can help you identify opportunities to save money and optimise your financial situation.

23. Do you have sufficient mortgage cover (death & critical illness)?

Having adequate insurance coverage for your mortgage can provide peace of mind and financial security for you and your loved ones. For further information, read more in our article “Your future finances: The importance of a plan B.”

24. Are all your loans covered in the event of death?

Ensuring that all outstanding loans are covered in the event of your death can prevent financial hardship for your family.

25. Did you purchase insurance from your financial or loan provider?

Reviewing your insurance policies and considering alternative providers can help you find the best coverage at the most competitive rates.


Asking yourself these 25 key financial questions can help you assess your current financial situation, identify areas for improvement, and take proactive steps to achieve your long-term financial goals. Remember, financial planning is an ongoing process, and regular reviews and adjustments are essential for staying on track and building a secure financial future.

If your answers to these questions, have highlighted any weaknesses in your current financial plans, speak with our team of Independent Financial Planners in a free, no obligation meeting.

Here to help

Our Team of friendly and experienced Independent Financial Planners has full access to the investment, pension and protection markets and can create personalised and tailored and tax-efficient financial plans for you.

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HM Revenue and Customs practice and the law relating to taxation are complex and subject to individual circumstances and changes which cannot be foreseen.

Inheritance tax planning is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.